On Systems of Systems Engineering: Online Distance Education Systems Key Challenges
On Systems of Systems Engineering: Online Distance Education Systems Key Challenges
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online; learning; education; SoS; SoSE; challenges

How to Cite

Arwa A. Al Shamsi. (2020). On Systems of Systems Engineering: Online Distance Education Systems Key Challenges. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(H2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.34257/GJCSTHVOL20IS2PG1


Technology development have affected educational delivery around the world The utilization and implementation of online learning is rising at a staggering manner Online Distance learning has become an urgent need recently The use of distance learning has appeared in the past ten years the learning has been extended by the technology from classrooms in the schools into online learning Online Learning adopted in various universities educational institutions and schools worldwide Recently with the emergency situations due to the epidemic of COVID -19 and according to the recommendations by World Health Organization for social distance most of the educational institutions worldwide tend to utilize the online learning instead of traditional learning Although the online learning has been implemented years ago still it faces challenges The author of this research paper aim to explore the key challenges that reported while implementing Online Distance Education System as Systems of Systems The author then outlines research agenda that identifies 11 research themes that can be considered as a solution for the current Online Distance Education System implementations challenges
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