Stochastic Approach for Energy-Efficient Clustering in WSN
Stochastic Approach for Energy-Efficient Clustering in WSN
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How to Cite

Manpreet Kaur, Lokesh Pawar, & Rohit Bhullar. (2014). Stochastic Approach for Energy-Efficient Clustering in WSN. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(E7), 1–8. Retrieved from


Abstract- Wireless sensor networks are self-organizing networks in which sensor nodes with limited resource are scattered in an area of interest to gather information WSNs need to have effective node s energy management methods for stable and seamless communication Power efficient clustering is done in WSN to prolong the life of the network In WSN many algorithms are developed to save energy of sensor nodes and to increase the lifetime of the network This paper provides an energy efficient clustering algorithm inspired by prophet routing protocol to enhance the cluster based operation of the nodes Adaptive learning is implemented for head selection for efficientcommunication Simulation results confirm the efficiency of the mechanism
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