Analysis of Distance Measures in Content based Image Retrieval
Analysis of Distance Measures in Content based Image Retrieval
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distance metrics
euclidean distance
manhattan distance
confusion matrix
mahalanobis distance
cityblock distance
chebychev distance

How to Cite

Anjali Batra, & Dr. Meenakshi Sharma. (2014). Analysis of Distance Measures in Content based Image Retrieval. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(G2), 11–16. Retrieved from


Content predicated image retrieval CBIR provides an efficacious way to probe the images from the databases The feature extraction and homogeneous attribute measures are the two key parameters for retrieval performance A homogeneous attribute measure plays a paramount role in image retrieval This paper compares six different distance metrics such as Euclidean Manhattan Canberra Bray-Curtis Square chord Square chi-squared distances to find the best kindred attribute measure for image retrieval Utilizing pyramid structured wavelet decomposition energy levels are calculated These energy levels are compared by calculating distance between query image and database images utilizing above mentioned seven different kindred attribute metrics A sizably voluminous image database from Brodatz album is utilized for retrieval purport Experimental results shows the preponderating of Canberra Bray-Curtis Square chord and Square Chi-squared distances over the conventional Euclidean and Manhattan distances
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