Effect of Different UML Diagrams to Evaluate the Size Metric for Different Software Projects
Effect of Different UML Diagrams to Evaluate the Size Metric for Different Software Projects
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software metrics
size metric
uml diagrams
use cases

How to Cite

Preety Verma Dhaka. (2016). Effect of Different UML Diagrams to Evaluate the Size Metric for Different Software Projects. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 15(C8), 1–8. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/855


In Software Engineering an important activity is measuring of the Software in different ways For Measuring the Software appropriate metrics are needed Using Software metrics we are able to attain the various qualitative and quantitative aspects of Software To measure the Software in terms of quality size efforts efficiency and reliability performance etc we have different metrics available in Software Engineering and it has been an area of interest for the various researchers Measures of specific attributes of the process project and product are used to compute Software metrics This work proposes a similar approach of measuring software using various UML diagrams and applied Software size metric to evaluate the size of the Software This paper discusses the proposed approach using two different case studies and their source codes This paper discusses the different results obtained using different perspectives of the Software size metric measurements and maintainability of the Software
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