A Survey on Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
A Survey on Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
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cloud computing
load balancing
virtual machine

How to Cite

R.Gowri Prakash, R. Shankar, & S. Duraisamy. (2019). A Survey on Load Balancing in Cloud Computing. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(B2), 23–31. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/470


Cloud computing is a biggest technology It is different cloud services are SaaS PaaS aaS loud users are able to access software and applications from whenever they need while it is being host by an outside party in cloud Cloud services are bought on a pay-as-user-go or subscription basis The cloud users getting into increased day by day In this paper mainly focused on Load balancing within the cloud computing surroundings has a crucial impact on the performance Smart load balancing makes cloud computing additional economical and improves user satisfaction Load balancing may be a pc networking technique to distribute work load across multiple computer or a multiple cluster
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