Measuring the Performance on Load Balancing Algorithms
Measuring the Performance on Load Balancing Algorithms
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cloud computing
load balancing
load balancing algorithms

How to Cite

Saumendu Roy, Dr. Md. Alam Hossain, Sujit Kumar Sen, Nazmul Hossain, & Md. Rashid Al Asif. (2019). Measuring the Performance on Load Balancing Algorithms. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(B1), 41–49. Retrieved from


Load balancing is an integrated aspect of the environment in cloud computing Cloud computing has lately outgoing technology It has getting exoteric day by day residence widespread chance in close to posterior Cloud computing is defined as a massively distributed computing example that is moved by an economic scale in which a repertory of abstracted virtualized energetically The number of clients in cloud computing is increasing exponentially The huge amount of user requests attempt to entitle the collection for numerous applications Which alongside with heavy load not far afield off from cloud server Whenever particular Virtual Machine VMs are overloaded then there are no more duties should be addressed to overloaded VM if under loaded VMs are receivable For optimizing accomplishment and better response or reaction time the load has to be balanced between overloaded VMs virtual machines This Paper describes briefly about the load balancing accession and identifies which is better than others load balancing algorithm
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