Turing-Test Evaluation of a Mobile Haptic Virtual Reality Kissing Machine
Turing-Test Evaluation of a Mobile Haptic Virtual Reality Kissing Machine
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force feedback
haptic interfaces
humanrobot interaction
remote kissing
turing test

How to Cite

Emma Yann Zhang, & Adrian David Cheok. (2021). Turing-Test Evaluation of a Mobile Haptic Virtual Reality Kissing Machine. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21(E1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/2038


Various communication systems have been developed to integrate the haptic channel in digital communication Future directions of such haptic technologies are moving towards realistic virtual reality applications and human-robot social interaction With the digitisation of touch robots equipped with touch sensors and actuators can communicate with humans on a more emotional and intimate level such as sharing a hug or kiss just like humans do This paper presents the design guideline implementation and evaluations of a novel haptic kissing machine for smart phones - the Kissenger machine The key novelties and contributions of the paper are i A novel haptic kissing device for mobile phones which uses dynamic perpendicular force stimulation to transmit realistic sensations of kissing in order to enhance intimacy and emotional connection of digital communication ii Extensive evaluations of the Kissenger machine including a lab experiment that compares mediated kissing with Kissenger to real kissing a unique haptic Turing test that involves the first academic study of humanmachine kiss and a field study of the effects of Kissenger on long distance relationships
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