Critical Success Factors of Remote ERP Implementation: From System Users’ Perspective
Critical Success Factors of Remote ERP Implementation: From System Users’ Perspective
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remote ERP implementation
top management commitment

How to Cite

Kasun Kodithuwakku, & Naduni Madhavika. (2023). Critical Success Factors of Remote ERP Implementation: From System Users’ Perspective. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 23(G1), 27–48. Retrieved from


The study explores critical success factors of remote ERP implementation in the Sri Lankan context from system users perspective As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic ERP implementation has become more complicated and ERP software vendors have shifted to remote ERP implementations Although there are several studies on identifying Critical Success Factors CSFs in ERP implementation there is a void in the literature on identifying CSFs in remote ERP implementation As a result of the literature review it was discovered that only a small amount of research has been done on remote ERP implementation Therefore the current study tries to bridge these gaps by identifying the CSFs of remote ERP implementation during Covid-19 by taking Sri Lanka as a case study
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