Soft Computing on Medical-Data (SCOM) for a Countrywide Medical System Using Data Mining and Cloud Computing Features
Soft Computing on Medical-Data (SCOM) for a Countrywide Medical System Using Data Mining and Cloud Computing Features


medical data
soft computing
data mining
cloud computing

How to Cite

Samayita Bhattacharya. (2013). Soft Computing on Medical-Data (SCOM) for a Countrywide Medical System Using Data Mining and Cloud Computing Features. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(B3), 7–13. Retrieved from


This paper focuses on hosting and analyzing medical diagnostic data using soft computing This is a project proposal for medical database system using soft computing using data mining and cloud computing features Data mining features are added to gain more control over the system Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet The proposed database system can provide new delivery models to make healthcare more efficient and effective and at a lower cost to technology budgets
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