Secure Data Distribution using Secret Splitting over Cloud
Secure Data Distribution using Secret Splitting over Cloud
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cloud computing; distributed computing; secret splitting; data confidentiality; integrity

How to Cite

Ramdani Laala. (2017). Secure Data Distribution using Secret Splitting over Cloud. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(B1), 5–10. Retrieved from


Developments are important to ride the unavoidable tide of progress A large portion of undertakings are endeavoring to lessen their processing cost through the method of virtualization This interest of diminishing the computing cost has induced the development of Cloud Computing Cloud computing provides set of services to the customers over the network on rented basis which can be scaled up or down as per customers requirements Typically cloud computing administrations are conveyed by an outsider supplier who possesses the foundation In this paper we are focusing on secure data distribution over cloud using secret splitting This will help us to achieve data confidentiality integrity availability with less overhead We proposed a secure data distribution scheme using secret splitting to ensure data owners that their data are distributed securely over the cloud
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