A Comparitive Study On Location based Multicast Routing Protocols of WSN: HGMR, HRPM, GMR
A Comparitive Study On Location based Multicast Routing Protocols of WSN: HGMR, HRPM, GMR
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WSN(wireless sensor network)
loaction based multicast routing protocols
HGMR(hierarchical geographic multicast routing)
GMR(geographic multicast ro

How to Cite

Kanchan Verma. (2016). A Comparitive Study On Location based Multicast Routing Protocols of WSN: HGMR, HRPM, GMR. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 15(E8), 13–18. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/1012


Wireless sensor network comprises of a set of sensor nodes that communicate among each other using wireless links and work in an open and distributed manner due to which wireless sensor networks are highly prone to attacks This is difficult to determine the position of the sensor nodes therefore the sensor network protocols must inculcate self-organizing competence Location awareness is one of the important concern in WSN because for a network mostly data collection is grounded on location so this is imperative for all the nodes to know their position whenever it is required and it is also helpful in calculating the distance between two particular nodes to deal with energy consumption issues This paper focuses on the three location based routing multicast protocols HGMR HRMP GMR and their comparison is done on the basis of different metrics like latency PDP encoding overhead etc
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