Artificial Intelligence and Customer Communication
Artificial Intelligence and Customer Communication
Article PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

artificial intelligence
customer interaction
emotional intelligence
chat bots

Как цитировать

Hibatullah Alzahrani. (2016). Artificial Intelligence and Customer Communication. Глобальный журнал компьютерных наук и технологий, 16(D1), 1–3. извлечено от


There is a rapid increase in the usage of artificial intelligence in the most recent decade Use of Artificial Intelligence in the customer interaction is gaining traction in the market It is saving a lot of money because chat bots are taking away the need of physical resources Best utilization of AI is past the customary contact focus where an organization s administration impression becomes exponentially When one considers the aggregate entirety of keen gadgets in an organization today that can convey data about clients and their items to the cloud an extraordinary wellspring of client administration information is accessible to influence
Article PDF (English)
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