Integrated Biometric Template Security using Random Rectangular Hashing
Integrated Biometric Template Security using Random Rectangular Hashing
Article PDF (English)

Ключевые слова

biometric cryptosystems
cancellable biometrics
feature level fusion
multimodal biometric systems
random rectangular hashing
template protection

Как цитировать

Madhavi Gudavalli, Dr. D.Srinivasa Kumar, & Dr. D.Srinivasa Kumar. (2014). Integrated Biometric Template Security using Random Rectangular Hashing. Глобальный журнал компьютерных наук и технологий, 14(E7), 33–37. извлечено от


Large centralized biometric databases accessible over networks in real time are especially used for identification purposes Multimodal biometric systems which are more robust and accurate in human identification require multiple templates storage of the same user analogous to individual biometric sources This may raises concern about their usage and security when these stored templates are compromised since each person is believed to have a unique biometric trait Unlike passwords the biometric templates cannot be revoked and switch to another set of uncompromised identifiers when compromised Therefore fool-proof techniques satisfying the requirements of diversity revocability security and performance are required to protect stored templates such that both the security of the application and the users privacy are not compromised by the impostor attacks Thus this paper proposes a template protection scheme coined as random rectangular hashing to strengthen the multimodal biometric system The performance of the proposed template protection scheme is measured using the fingerprint FVC2004 and PolyU palmprint databases
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