Sustainable Producing Process using 3D Printing
Sustainable Producing Process using 3D Printing
Article PDF (English)


sustainability; 3 d prinitng; production system; sustainable design

Como Citar

Kim Kyung A. (2017). Sustainable Producing Process using 3D Printing. Jornal Global De Ciência Da Computação E Tecnologia, 17(H1), 29–32. Obtido de


This study is Sustainable producing process using the 3D Printing based on sustainable design Generally an approach of sustainability is strong to environmental aspects 3D Printing technology has been in the spotlight of fabrication field as the new sustainable producing system Additional the progress of 3d printing will bring results to the personalizing producing system It means that it can be produced from necessity Also it enables to producing part of discontinued models The power of these advancements prevents over producing and reduces the lifecycle of product Namely it reduces the term of works and saves the cost curtails the product lunching period Therefore it is the solution to the energy problem and resource saving The guides line for sustainable producing is required to be controlled the problem of environment and social constraints This research walks you through a few guidelines And it offers the practical ways of doing sustainable system centered at the 3Dprinting producing system
Article PDF (English)
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