Cyber Forensic Investigation and Exploration on Cloud Computing Environment
Cyber Forensic Investigation and Exploration on Cloud Computing Environment
Article PDF (English)

Parole chiave

cloud computing; forensic; cybercrime; forensic investigation

Come citare

Mani Megalai S. (2015). Cyber Forensic Investigation and Exploration on Cloud Computing Environment. Giornale Globale Di Informatica E Tecnologia, 15(B1), 1–4. Recuperato da


Cloud service providers are providing more services on demand Usage of Cloud in IT Industry Educational Institution Social network Medical Field and other business Industry are tremendously increased This increases the more criminal activity on cloud There is a need for forensic capabilities which support investigations of crime in cyber cloud We need better secured model for cloud deployment and forensic investigation techniques to extract evidence from cloud-based environments in case of any cyber attack This paper discusses the comprehensive models that provides cyber Forensics capabilities on cloud computing
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