Analysis and Design of Visualization of Educational Institution database using Power BI Tool
Analysis and Design of Visualization of Educational Institution database using Power BI Tool
Article PDF (English)

Palabras clave

business intelligence

Cómo citar

Mandava Geetha Bhargava, Kuppa Tara Phani Surya Kiran, & Duvvada Rajeswara Rao. (2018). Analysis and Design of Visualization of Educational Institution database using Power BI Tool. Revista Global De Ciencia Y tecnología informática, 18(C4), 1–8. Recuperado a partir de


Visualization of data set is a process of making understand the significance of data through visual context and part of data analytics where it s executed after the data correction Nowadays visualization is more useful in business intelligence and Analytics in every field There are different techniques for visualizing the datasets it may be in dynamic or interactive nature and datasets can be visualized in different types of visuals insights This paper deals with the interactive visualization of educational institution database using Microsoft Power BI Tool with different modules and this paper focuses on process model operations of Microsoft Power BI types of data sources available in Tool and its different related types of visual insights or context
Article PDF (English)
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