Streaming Analytics Over Real-Time Big Data
Streaming Analytics Over Real-Time  Big Data
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stream processing
siddhi CEP
big data analytics

How to Cite

Ranjitha P. (2015). Streaming Analytics Over Real-Time Big Data. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 15(C5), 27–30. Retrieved from


A portal is developed using open source tool called Liferay for water management and city management using data acquired from sensors deployed in overhead water tanks and across the city at different locations The parameters captured from sensors are water level and parameters captured sensors deployed across the city include dust UV temperature light humidity sound and air quality Data generated by these sensors amounts nearly megabytes of data per day and gigabytes on an annual rate Real time analytics help in monitoring and management of water resources and rate of pollution across the city Visualizations are provided in the form of a time series graph The visual representations are plotted using d3 js graphs in real-time hence allowing the users to take corrective decisions with respect to water usage and managing pollution across the city
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