Cloud Computing based on RFID Internet of Things
Cloud Computing based on RFID Internet of Things
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internet of things
cloud computing

How to Cite

Mr R.Venkatesan. (2016). Cloud Computing based on RFID Internet of Things. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(B3), 17–23. Retrieved from


The Internet of things is through the radio frequency identification RFID infrared sensors GPS laser scanners and other information sensing device as agreed in the agreement any items and Internet connection the exchange of information and communication to realize intelligent identification location with a network tracking monitoring and management The core of cloud computing is the high-speed information processing and transmission its core idea is that large amounts of computing resources connected by a network of unified management and scheduling constitute a computing resource pool to users on demand service The three components of RFID system include the reader antenna and the tag The paper put forward the novel analysis model of Cloud computing based on RFID Internet of things
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