Distributed Service Broker Policy Algorithm for Logistics over Cloud
Distributed Service Broker Policy Algorithm for Logistics over Cloud
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logistics information system
distributed service broker policy algorithm
cloud computing

How to Cite

Shivani dubey, & Sunayana Jain. (2016). Distributed Service Broker Policy Algorithm for Logistics over Cloud. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(B3), 25–32. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/838


Logistics information system focuses on flow of information with storage and services of goods supply from the origin point to consumption point of organization Logistics information system makes this flow more efficient with the help of cloud Cloud computing manages the logistics information system centrally The centralized data center keeps the track of information distribution which creates network congestion and overloading on data center when various requests of users from different regions occur at same time So the data center needs to be maintained effectively for better performance This paper presents the distributed service broker policy to implement centralized data center and proposes distributed data center for logistics information system over cloud This paper also presents the result of distributed service broker policy algorithm to reduce network congestion higher latency and cost due to large number of demand of particular service in distributed data center for logistics
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