Evolution of Object-Oriented Database Systems
Evolution of Object-Oriented Database Systems
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data- base management system

How to Cite

Hibatullah Alzahrani. (2016). Evolution of Object-Oriented Database Systems. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(C3), 37–40. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/778


Data bases are quintessential part of most modern web and mobile applications In most part relational databases dominate the database market but the evolution of object-oriented databases has provided users and developers with an alternative option Object-oriented databases provide a number of advantages over relational databases like ease of extensibility custom data models provision for modelling complex data structures and faster access time But they do lack in certain areas and have no strict standards and implementation mostly depends upon the vendor Nevertheless object-oriented databases are slowly finding their way into database market especially in the area of large-scale databases But the long history of relational databases keeps them alive as tough competitor and the future seems to be going towards object-relational databases
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