Big Data Analysis using Spark for Collision Rate near CalStateLA
Big Data Analysis using Spark for Collision Rate near CalStateLA
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collision data
gender analysis
geo spatial analysis
big data

How to Cite

Shubhra Wahi, Manik Katyal, & Jongwook Woo. (2017). Big Data Analysis using Spark for Collision Rate near CalStateLA. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(H4), 1–8. Retrieved from


Police say alcohol drugs and speed are the three major factors that cause collisions we thought that it would be insightful to analyze the collision data to ensure the correctness of this conclusion and also to get further information like what age groups were involved in what areas have accidents occurred what were the reasons behind collisions etc These experiences can possibly make overall population mindful of the reasons for crashes created by impacts To analyze more than hundred thousand records we adopted Spark for faster processing of this massive data set In this paper we are presenting facts based on data and analytics which lead to conclusions like the number of collisions decreased between 2009 and 2013 Females involved in collisions were much less than males etc Moving ahead in our research we addressed complex analytics like areas near CalStateLA more prone to collisions brands of cars more involved in collisions and which specific type of collision was most observed
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