Big Data Analysis of Salary Dataset using Hive
Big Data Analysis of Salary Dataset using Hive
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How to Cite

Ishan Fafadia. (2017). Big Data Analysis of Salary Dataset using Hive. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(H4), 17–20. Retrieved from


One way to understand how a city government works is by looking at who it employs and how its employees are compensated This data contains the names job title and compensation for San Francisco city employees on an annual basis from 2011 to 2014 The analyzed data will be shown in the form of various charts and graphs with respect to 1 Yearly Mean Pay 2 Mean Pay by Job Type 3 Pay based on Base Pay Overtime Pay Other Pay and Benefits As the Salary seeking population grows the data also grows in size This becomes a challenge for the traditional RDBMS to manage the huge volumes of data Hence Salary data Analysis can be made using Hive and Map Reduce algorithms to eliminate the challenges faced by the traditional RDBMS
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