Artificial Intelligence: Uses and Misuses
Artificial Intelligence: Uses and Misuses
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artificial inte lligence
social media
ethical issues
AI future

How to Cite

Mesfer Alsubaie. (2016). Artificial Intelligence: Uses and Misuses. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(D1), 21–26. Retrieved from


Artificial Intelligence AI was mostly regarded as science-fiction in the past but with the recent advancements in technology it has silently crept into our lives From social media to computer games to self-driving cars to military gadgets to personal digital assistants AI is everywhere This progress is also due to a paradigm shift in AI community where current trend is to make AI stronger in specific domains rather than making a human-like AI which can do anything Resultantly AI can now out-perform humans in many areas But this progress of AI is scary for some people who are predicting the rise of machines in half a century or so if AI progress remains unbridled
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