To Enhance the OTP Generation Process for Cloud Data Security using Diffie-Hellman and HMAC
To Enhance the OTP Generation Process for Cloud Data Security using Diffie-Hellman and HMAC
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cloud security

How to Cite

Gagandeep Kaur Sandhu. (2016). To Enhance the OTP Generation Process for Cloud Data Security using Diffie-Hellman and HMAC. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(B2), 21–26. Retrieved from


Cloud computing is an innovation or distributed network where user can move their data and any application programming on it In any case there is a few issues in cloud computing the main one is security on the grounds that each user store their helpful data on the network so they need their data ought to be protected from any unapproved access any progressions that is not done for user s benefit There are diverse encryption methods utilized for security reason like FDE and FHE To tackle the issue of Key management Key Sharing different plans have been proposed The outsider auditing plan will be fizzled if the outsider s security is bargained or of the outsider will be malicious To tackle this issue we will chip away at to design new modular for key sharing and key management in completely Homomorphic Encryption plan In this paper we have utilized the symmetric key understanding algorithm named Diffie Hellman it is key trade algorithm with make session key between two gatherings who need to speak with each other and HMAC for the data integrity OTP One Time Password is made which gives more security Because of this the issue of managing the key is expelled and data is more secured
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