Towards Arabic Alphabet and Numbers Sign Language Recognition
Towards Arabic Alphabet and Numbers Sign Language Recognition
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component; arabic sign language recognition
restricted boltzmann machines
deep belief networks
softmax regression
sparse represent

How to Cite

Ahmad Hasasneh. (2017). Towards Arabic Alphabet and Numbers Sign Language Recognition. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(F2), 15–23. Retrieved from


This paper proposes to develop a new Arabic sign language recognition using Restricted Boltzmann Machines and a direct use of tiny images Restricted Boltzmann Machines are able to code images as a superposition of a limited number of features taken from a larger alphabet Repeating this process in deep architecture Deep Belief Networks leads to an efficient sparse representation of the initial data in the feature space A complex problem of classification in the input space is thus transformed into an easier one in the feature space After appropriate coding a softmax regression in the feature space must be sufficient to recognize a hand sign according to the input image To our knowledge this is the first attempt that tiny images feature extraction using deep architecture is a simpler alternative approach for Arabic sign language recognition that deserves to be considered and investigated
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