Threats and Problems of Cloud Computing and Ways of Providing Security
Threats and Problems of Cloud Computing and Ways of Providing Security
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How to Cite

Dr.Yasser Elmalik Ahmed Seleman. (2017). Threats and Problems of Cloud Computing and Ways of Providing Security. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17(B1), 15–18. Retrieved from


Cloud computing electronic is a collection of servers and storage spaces operating systems and software platforms and applications of different application that resides on the Internet and you are able to use it without having to know any details of the technique with him all you need to know in order to take advantage of the services it provides is the knowledge of the user name and password your own These services many advantages they face many of the threats and risks that could affect seriously the data and information used if it is seriously keen to understand and put the right solutions to avoid them Cloud computing is the security and protection of the data subject Despite that these clouds may be more defensible from a personal device but the possibility of data loss is a problem The goal of research to identify the cloud computing and the advantages and disadvantages and you must know the gaps and weaknesses and how to identify solutions
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