An Extended Linked Clustering Algorithms for Spatial Data Sets
An Extended Linked Clustering Algorithms for Spatial Data Sets
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spatial data
extended linked clustering
distributed data mining
data analysis

How to Cite

K Lakshmaiah. (2018). An Extended Linked Clustering Algorithms for Spatial Data Sets. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 18(C3), 37–44. Retrieved from


Spatial data mining techniques and for the most part conveyed clustering are broadly utilized as a part of the most recent decade since they manage huge and differing datasets which can t be assembled midway Current disseminated clustering approaches are typically producing universal models by amassing neighborhood outcomes that are acquired on every region While this approach mines the data collections on their areas the accumulation stage is more perplexing which may deliver inaccurate and equivocal all universal clusters and in this manner mistaken learning In this paper we propose an Extended Linked clustering approach for each huge spatial data collections that are assorted and appropriated The approach in view of K-means algorithm yet it produces the quantity of all universal clusters progressively In addition this approach utilizes an explained collection stage The conglomerations stage is outlined in such way that the general procedure is proficient in time and memory assignment Preliminary outcomes demonstrate that the proposed approach delivers excellent outcomes and scales up well We likewise contrasted it with two prominent clustering algorithms and demonstrate that this approach is substantially more proficient
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