Implementing a Search Engine for Bangladeshi E-Commerce Product
Implementing a Search Engine for Bangladeshi E-Commerce Product
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e-search engine
indexing process
information retrieval
query process
web crawler

How to Cite

Md Mijanur Rahman. (2018). Implementing a Search Engine for Bangladeshi E-Commerce Product. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 18(B1), 29–34. Retrieved from


This project is concern with the practical implementation of Information Retrieval where the main focus is on the algorithmic challenges in efficiently representing large data sets while supporting fast searches in the Web The application was developed by using a system approach where analysis design and development were carried out by the incremental model The main aim of this work to introduce an efficient Information Retrieval System for Bangladeshi Ecommerce Product Search Engine This search engine base on the technology of public search engine and is built specific for the structure of Bangladesh E-commerce Search Engine The system provides the relevant searching results from Bangladeshi web domains The proposed system has been designed and developed using Python programing language tools and methods
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