Academicians' Acceptance of Online Learning Environments: A Review of Information System Theories and Models
Academicians' Acceptance of Online Learning Environments: A Review of Information System Theories and Models
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How to Cite

Asanka Gunasinghe, Junainah Abd Hamid, Ali Khatibi, & S M Ferdous Azam. (2019). Academicians’ Acceptance of Online Learning Environments: A Review of Information System Theories and Models. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 19(H1), 31–39. Retrieved from


Aim of this paper is to review technology IS acceptance theories and models recognizing empirical evidence available to support the suitability of each theoretical model in explaining academicians acceptance of online learning technology Understanding the factors influencing system usage is crucial for decision-makers to recognize potential user needs and concerns which could be addressed during the development phase of a system Thus for decades researchers have been trying to understand why people accept new technologies As a result a wide variety of theories and models explaining the concept of technology acceptance Some prominent theoretical models explaining technology acceptance are Theory of Reasoned Action Diffusion of Innovation theory Theory of Planned Behavior Social Cognitive Theory Technology Acceptance Model Model of PC Utilization Motivational Model Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology UTAUT 2 UTAUT 3 The concept of academic s acceptance of online learning technology can be explained through several determinants that are operationalized through above information systems models
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