Fuzzy Conditional Inference and Application to Wireless Sensor Network
Fuzzy Conditional Inference and Application to Wireless Sensor Network
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fuzzy logic; fuzzy conditional inference; fuzzy control systems; wireless sensorn networks; costal erosions

How to Cite

Poli Venkata Subba Reddy. (2021). Fuzzy Conditional Inference and Application to Wireless Sensor Network. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(E4), 13–17. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/391


Zadeh Mamdani and TSK were proposed different fuzzy conditional inference for if then to approximate incomplete information The Zadeh and Mamdani fuzzy conditional inferences require prior information for the consequent part The TSK fuzzy conditional inference need not to know prior information for the consequent part but it is difficult to compute In this paper new method is proposed for the position containing if then when prior information is not know the consequent part Fuzzy Wireless Sensor Networks are discussed an application for proposed fuzzy conditional inference Fuzzy inference system FIS is also discussed for WSN to detect Coastal erosion and Turbo Charger fuzzy controls System an examples
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