Comparative Analysis of Random Forest and J48 Classifiers for “IRIS” Variety Prediction
Comparative Analysis of Random Forest and J48 Classifiers for “IRIS” Variety Prediction
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J48 classifier
proficiency comparison
random forest classifier

How to Cite

Youness Lakhdoura, & Rachid Elayachi. (2020). Comparative Analysis of Random Forest and J48 Classifiers for “IRIS” Variety Prediction. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(H2), 65–71. Retrieved from


Data mining may be a computerized technology that uses complicated algorithms to seek out relationships and trends in large databases real or perceived previously unknown to the retailer to market decision support Data mining is predicted to be one of the widespread recognition of the potential for analysis of past transaction data to enhance the standard of future business decisions The aim is to arrange a set of knowledge items and classify them In this paper we apply two classifier algorithms J48 c4 5 and Random Forest on the IRIS dataset and we compare their performance based on different measures
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