A Secure Framework for IoT Smart Home by Resolving Session Hijacking
A Secure Framework for IoT Smart Home by Resolving Session Hijacking
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internet of things
smart home
session regeneration
session hijacking

How to Cite

Fozilatoon Humaira, Md Sanju Islam, Sanjida Akter Luva, Md Bayazid Rahman, & Md Bayazid Rahman. (2020). A Secure Framework for IoT Smart Home by Resolving Session Hijacking. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(G2), 9–20. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/371


IoT is a blessing in the field of information and technology It is developing and deploying day by day It is working for our betterment in the section of home environment retail security factory industry agriculture education energy healthcare and so on In the Smart Home section there are a numerous inventions Vast analysis and working can be possible if needed We have worked with session hijacking and implement it in our Smart Home Prototype This paper represents the basic concept of IoT in Smart Home with Security like Session Hijacking
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