A Comparative Study between a Simulation of Machine Learning and Extreme Learning Machine Techniques on Breast Cancer Diagnosis
A Comparative Study between a Simulation of Machine Learning and Extreme Learning Machine Techniques on Breast Cancer Diagnosis
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extreme learning machine (ELM)
random forest (RF)
decision tree (DT)
support vector machine (SVM)
and KNN

How to Cite

Rahul Reddy Nadikattu. (2020). A Comparative Study between a Simulation of Machine Learning and Extreme Learning Machine Techniques on Breast Cancer Diagnosis. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20(H1), 41–48. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/351


Breast Cancer is a developing and most normal disease among ladies around the globe Breast malignancy is an uncontrolled and exorbitant development of abnormal cells in the Breast because of hereditary hormonal and way of life factors During the starting stages the tumor is restricted to the Breast and in the latter part it can spread to lymph hubs in the armpit and different organs like the liver bones lungs and cerebrum At the point when the bosom disease spreads to different pieces of the body it is going to metastasize The sickness is repairable in the beginning periods yet it is identified in later stages which is the fundamental driver for the passing of such a large number of ladies in this entire world Clinical tests led in medical clinics for deciding the malady are a lot of costly just as tedious as well
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