Towards Reducing Convid-19 Spread: A Geo-Location based Attendance Monitoring and Navigation System for Institution
Towards Reducing Convid-19 Spread: A Geo-Location based Attendance Monitoring and Navigation System for Institution
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geo-location; attendance system; navigation system; COVID-19; GPS

How to Cite

OYEKANMI Ezekiel Olufunminiyi. (2022). Towards Reducing Convid-19 Spread: A Geo-Location based Attendance Monitoring and Navigation System for Institution. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21(H3), 11–18. Retrieved from


The current pandemic caused by covid-19 has come to stay and has changed many things including the education sector of the whole world However institutions must resume and academic activities must continue under the precautionary measures for students and staff to stay safe The question is how will precautionary measure be observed This paper provided a geo-location approach in tackling the aspect of attendance management of students and staff in the classroom to maintain social distancing while marking attendance sheets for a large class and minimize time wastage for another lecturer The developed software also focused in campus area navigation for outsiders or newly admitted students This research was carried out using smart phones due to its built-in global positioning system GPS and can be afforded by all The developed system was tested online with different smart phones connected to it 93 feed-backs with 63 correctness were gotten from the system prediction
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