On the M/M/c/N Call Center Queue Modeling and Analysis
On the M/M/c/N Call Center Queue Modeling and Analysis


How to Cite

Nwonye Chukwunoso. (2013). On the M/M/c/N Call Center Queue Modeling and Analysis. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(C10), 29–46. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/1629


The M M c c model is the most widely applied queueing model in the mathematical analysis of call centers The M M c c model is also referred to as the Erlang Loss System The Erlang loss model does not take into consideration system attributes such as blocking and busy signals balking and reneging retrials and returns Although the Erlang loss model is analytically tractable it is not easy to obtain insight from its results The need to develop a more accurate call center model has necessitated the modification of the Erlang loss model In this research we model and analyze a call center using M M c N the model The goal of this paper is to extend existing results and prove new results with regards to the monotonicity and limiting behaviour of the M M c N model with respect to the system capacity N
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