Multi Round Selective Encryption using AES over Storage Cloud
Multi Round Selective Encryption using AES over Storage Cloud


selective encryption
storage cloud

How to Cite

Amanpreet Kaur, & Gaurav Raj. (2013). Multi Round Selective Encryption using AES over Storage Cloud. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 13(B3), 1–6. Retrieved from


Cloud computing is the re-incarnation of the client-server architecture It is highly promising technology because of its unlimited resource provisioning and data storage services which help us in managing the data as per requirements Due to the use of internet and vital remote servers to maintain the data and applications the cloud computing environment becomes open for the attackers to attack on the user data and communication services This paper mainly focuses on the user authentication and data security over the Broker Cloud Computing Paradigm by purposing new cryptographic technique named as Multi Round Selective Encryption using AES Along with this we compared our approach with existing cryptographic techniques as AES Blowfish and Selective encryption to find out its pros and cons The Multi Round Selective Encryption with AES is the best suitable technique where the file size is large because it gives fast execution by maintaining the encryption complexity as compared to selective encryption technique in public and hybrid cloud
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