Two-word and Three-word Disambiguation Rules for Telugu Language Sentences: A Practical Approach
Two-word and Three-word Disambiguation Rules for Telugu Language Sentences: A Practical Approach
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natural language processing
word sense disambiguation

How to Cite

J. Sreedhar. (2014). Two-word and Three-word Disambiguation Rules for Telugu Language Sentences: A Practical Approach. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(G1), 15–20. Retrieved from


This paper describes Two-word and Three-word Disambiguation Rules for Telugu language sentences which are written in WX-notation Generally in real life good number of words which are having many meanings If a word has many meanings then we can call it as a word ambiguity To resolve a word ambiguity Natural Language Processing NLP system having lot of Word Sense Disambiguation WSD 1 methods Among many methods here we are proposing rule based method for Word Sense Disambiguation
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