Improved Approaches to Handle Bigdata through Hadoop
Improved Approaches to Handle Bigdata through Hadoop
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How to Cite

Ch.Monica, K.Sandeep, & K.Kondaiah. (2015). Improved Approaches to Handle Bigdata through Hadoop. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(C9), 7–12. Retrieved from


Big data is an evolving term that describes any voluminous amount of structured semistructured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information Today s world produces a large amount of data from various sources records and from different fields termed as BIG DATA Such huge data is to be analyzed and filtered using various techniques and algorithms to extract the interested and useful data to gain knowledge In the new era with the boom of both structured and unstructured types of data in the field of genomics meteorology biology environmental research and many others it has become difficult to process manage and analyze patterns using traditional databases and architectures It requires new technologies and skills to analyze the flow of material and draw conclusions So a proper architecture should be understood to gain knowledge about the Big Data The analysis of Big Data involves multiple distinct phases such as collection extraction cleaning analysis and retrieval
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