Big Data Management for MMO Games and Integrated Website Implementation
Big Data Management for MMO Games and  Integrated Website Implementation
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MMO games
big data
electronic websites

How to Cite

Abdullah Alqwbani. (2014). Big Data Management for MMO Games and Integrated Website Implementation. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14(B2), 5–24. Retrieved from


With the popularity and success of massively multiplayer Games MMOGs the development of MMOGS has got a quantum leap on game s contents and entertainment which attract huge number of players making MMOGs these years a big business which increased to billions of dollars revenue each year worldwide But with this number of players and these game contents the data volume produced from games has rapidly increased and used by simultaneously game players around the world This data require high performance fault tolerance and scalability Considering all these demands the popular used relational database becomes a big challenge and cannot overcomes the challenges and cannot meet the requirements for MMOGS data storage This paper focus on using big data technology tools to completely meet the requirement of MMO games My work can be divided into two parts the first part we proposed Cassandra database for MMO games data storing and the integration of Hadoop with Cassandra nodes for high performance in operations process The second part we implement a new MMO website with new payment methods new advertisement program by friend s invitations and other enhanced function By implementing this website and comparisons of results of our database management we show the applicability of our approach as well as the relative performance benefits of designing new games or website using our architecture
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