Fuel Your Growth with Integration: Hybrid Cloud Computing
Fuel Your Growth with Integration: Hybrid Cloud Computing
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cloud computing
hybrid cloud
internet services

How to Cite

Neha Tyagi, & Dr. Prof. Ajay Rana. (2015). Fuel Your Growth with Integration: Hybrid Cloud Computing. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 15(B2), 31–32. Retrieved from https://gjcst.com/index.php/gjcst/article/view/1082


Current IT services were built to serve a static and functionally concrete operating replica In future prospects IT needs to become much more dynamically adaptable to maintain pace with the speed of business today However when cloud is considered in the context of a hybrid model of combining both the on-premise with Internet-services then the value of the cloud in its broadest definition becomes incredibly empowering 1 2 Hybrid solutions combine the benefits of public cloud infrastructure speed and agility of development with private cloud resources security and control In this paper we have given the power of Hybrid Cloud Computing
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