Consideration of energy consumption in the case of wireless ad hoc networks leads to effective reduction of energy consumption by the nodes and increases the lifetime of the batteries for nodes It is imperative from the existing models that there is significant scope for improvement in the energy-consumption based route discovery models A model of Fuzzy based marginal energy disbursed multicast route discovery model for MANETs can support in reducing the power consumption has been proposed in our earlier research paper In the present paper a contemporary solution termed Energy Consumption Aware Route Discovery for Multicasting for MANETs has been proposed which is profoundly a fuzzy reasoning and genetic algorithm based model that focus on both the energy consumption and also the element of end-to-end delay whilst discovering the route The experimental study of the model in comparison to BWDCMR and GAEEQMR models depicted that the proposed algorithm is very effective and can certainly be result orientedThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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