Las TecnologAas De La InformaciAn Y ComunicaciAn En El Sector Empresarial Del Paraguay
Las TecnologAas De La InformaciAn Y ComunicaciAn En El Sector Empresarial Del Paraguay
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ICT; technological innovation; technological switch

How to Cite

Sergio Duarte Masi, & Sergio Duarte Masi. (2016). Las TecnologAas De La InformaciAn Y ComunicaciAn En El Sector Empresarial Del Paraguay. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 16(H1), 15–28. Retrieved from


It is irrefutable that the development incorporation and use of technology information and communications originated an impact in the business sector It is also a fact the existence of a marked asymmetry between developed and developing countries Furthermore the measurement and generation of indicators in the information communication technology ICT sector is also an asymmetric reality as models and approaches for their measure are still an issue Nevertheless the effort made by less developed countries including Paraguay is evident and the milestones achieved are remarkable and there are emblematic cases that deserve to be replicated but it is still insufficient to reach the penetration levels and use achieved by more developed countries A pending task both for Paraguay as well as many Latin American countries is to fill in this information gap by means of the generation and measurement of indicators that are reliable and representative of the ICT sector thus enabling the development of programs and activities designed to incorporate all areas such as business education healthcare and government
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